ഒരുവട്ടം കൂടി, (Aged Friendly Campus)
Oruvattam koodi the Aged Friendly Campus was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. Abraham Oliapurath the Manager Bharata Mata College Thrikkakara, on 10TH October 2023, for the welfare of the aged citizen in Kochi. The Program was conducted in Bharata Mata College campus by Bharata Mata Extension For Organic Research and Environment (BeFORE). The students and faculties together welcomed the participants in Aged Friendly Campus. The Aged Friendly Campus will help the citizens to come to college in order to experience the activities in the college so that they may get the mental state to be productive and will have a Healthy life.
The campus has 25 members from different parts of Kochi city. The campus welcomes anyone who is 60 years and above. There they get psychosocial support from variety of activities that campus provides. The campus gives the access to every possible platform those the campus has, for example, The Music Club, Club BeFORE, conselling cell, Radio BMC,Computer science and the MSW Department do the great efforts to run the program. It is the students who run the program with the help of the faculties in the college. There is started the computer training program for the elderly by the Computer Science Department in the college, where the elderly gets the basic knowledge according to their requirement.
It is the need of the hour in Kerala to address the challenge faced by elderly population. As an educational institution, we are fortunate to bring the elderly community together and empower them.